Project Details
Project Name
Bihar State Wide Area Network 2.0 (BSWAN)
Bihar State Wide Area Network 2.0 (BSWAN 2.0) is an important IT Infrastructure project of Bihar, also known as Network highway of Bihar. All the Application, Services Hosted and their data movement at Bihar State Data center is performed through BSWAN 2.0. Advance Voice and Video Services are provisioned under this project
BSWAN 2.0 have resilient redundant MPLS connectivity of 1.5 Gbps as Primary Bandwidth from BSNL and 1.5 mbps as Secondary Bandwidth from Airtel at SHQ, 1 Gbps Internet as Primary from Airtel at SHQ and 100 mbps from Sify as Secondary additionally 1 Gbps from NKN is also available at SHQ, 100 mbps at 6 DHQ~ 34 mbps at 28 DHQs from BSNL as Primary Bandwidth and 34 mbps at all DHQ from Airtel as secondary Bandwidth and 8 mbps at all BHQ/SDHQ from BSNL and 2 mbps at all BHO/SDHQ from Airtel.
Types of Beneficiaries connected:
Total 2800+ Sites are covered under Horizontal Connectivity (Over OFC/RF) and 5400+ connectivity provided over LAN, Major Department completely working on BSWAN are Treasury, GPF, Commercial Tax, Transport, Registration, Excise, DRCC, Health, Police (Home).